Mad men (and women)...

So I read from a marketing expert that the way to stop the scroll and get engagement is by using bad news as a draw for curiosity.

It worked if you are reading this.

The news, media and advertising know this is how we humans are wired.

Gossip spreads quickly, yet are we as quick to share and celebrate success and joy?

Said marketing expert suggests we think how we can use this “power” in our own businesses.

I’m going to choose not to.

Ok. So my posts and blogs often don’t get a lot of interaction, I could probably have more clients if I played this game.

But I don’t want to be part of the senseless noise in this world- aren’t we all under enough stress and anxiety?

Do you really want to follow a photography page that leaves you unsettled, hyper alert and disgruntled?

I’m here to remind you that in a world that seems to be driven by hate, anger and fear, there’s many of us driven by compassion, hope, joy and kindness.

Don’t let attention seeking social media and money grabbing marketing let you forget that.

Becca x

Bring the joy...

Want to get some attention for all the right reasons? Get in touch and let me know who's face you love enough to invest in a photo session with me :)